Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Work Out Those Workouts

New remedy for getting in the workouts without having to wake up at 6am or run at 7:30pm? Lunch break!!

An hour of lunch here is just enough time to run 5 miles, shower and grab lunch before anyone needs me back at the desk. And yes, my work provides a shower so I don't stew in my own sweat for the rest of the day.

On days when I bike in, I usually don't want to go through the change-clothes-shower-change-clothes routine more than once, so if I run those days, it's before I leave for work. But today was a non-biking day (needed to go to the dry cleaner and couldn't figure out how to get my stuff there without my car), so I took off at noon for a nice 5-miler toward Griffith Park/ LA Zoo. Blistering speed for me (5 miles in 40 minutes), a quick shower in a room that smells worse than me after the run, and then a large lunch of cereal, fruit, piece of bread with pb, and a small salad. I am ready to tackle the remainder of this slow day.

Lesson of the day - Get the miles in however you can, whenever you can, and it will pay off. And also, your co-workers will appreciate it if you shower afterward.

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