Tuesday, June 17, 2008

5 Days Til the Race

Let's hope the last run of the season was not an indicator of what will go on Saturday in Anchorage.

Put up a quick post before heading off to practice on Sunday morning. Unfortunately, that was the last time I felt good until this morning. After downing oatmeal, coffee, and three Excedrin for my IT band, I took off for the session. I got there and felt unusually tired. Sure, 7am on Sunday isn't a stretch of day when I feel most awake. But I felt more rundown.

Right when we started our run - a final 8 miler along Venice and Marina Del Rey - my stomach started to hurt. Not my gut, but my real stomach, up closer to my ribs. Nausea, intense sweating (it was humid), and a general rundown-i-ness. Not good. Not good at all.

Even though the run took a little over an hour, I kept telling myself it was almost over. And I made it through and skipped post-practice chat to go home. I thought I'd get better during the rest of the day. Maybe it was just the Exedrin. But no. Alas, I spent the next 36 hours in a constant state of lethargy, nausea and, oddly enough, hungry. It sucks to feel sick when you are also hungry.

So I freaked out a little. The race is days away and NOW I come down with the flu. But I also looked at the bright side. At least this will force me to taper more than I probably would have.

I took all of Monday off from exercise and spent it drinking Peptobismol. Here's a little secret - that stuff tastes kinda good.

My liquid remedy paid off. I am feeling much better today. Operating at 85%. I'll do a quick lunch time run to wake up the legs. Tonight will be spent packing.

My shuttle arrives at 4:15 AM on Thursday morning for the 7:30 flight. Yeah, that sucks. But we get to AK at 2:30pm and have the rest of the day and Friday to enjoy the sights before the race.

Here's the site: to check up on Saturday's results. Mayor's Marathon

Image courtesy of nmafaculty.com

1 comment:

Mary Gee said...

I am also going to Anchorage for Saturday's race. I am doing the half.

I have become worried about encountering a moose on the trail!