Here's a look at the standings. If you don't see your name on the graph, it means you haven't gotten in your numbers - please do! Day closes at 10pm PST, so take today to do some crunches and message us. Here we go:
Worth repeating - take some photos or video of your torture and send along. We'll throw something together for you to stare at while you do the workout so you don't feel so alone. For instance, Jessica, Kelli and Jen making swim workout a little more evil.
It's the weekend!! Plenty of extra time to crunch away. Bonus points if you do it in unusual places such as the lobby of a bank, on a bus, or in a museum. (Not advocating bad behavior, but...) Looking forward to receiving the next set of numbers tonight. Go, go, go!
270 crunches are missing from my count. I should be at 500. The pain is a reminder. This is LetaFai
Sorry LetaFai - we'll add them to tomorrow's total! :)
No worries...thanks
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